Welcome to a other blog, I want to share with you my first desk setup was and to the desk setup I have for everything I do, Before I start I will need to share how and why I started building my desk setup, and to do that I think I should share abit of history of the internet and live streaming also where I started I will share photo’s but I believe you also need to read why I did what I did. I am going to start by sharing the history. If you want to see my first youtube video back when I was in school playing with the dogs you can here.


Live streaming started before the pudlic internet in 1993 but it official started in 1983. The live streaming industry has a fascinating history. Live streaming started in the early 1990s (90s) when the first media players capable of live streaming were developed. This new technology allowed computer users to watch audio and video content in real time, changing how we consume entertainment.

One of the first live streamed events was a music concert, a big step for music streaming. A baseball game was also live-streamed using RealPlayer by RealNetworks, Inc. This was a big deal because it showed how live streaming could bring live sports to computer screens worldwide.

In 1999, a major milestone in live-streaming history occurred. U.S. President Bill Clinton was featured in one of the first webcasts. This event was broadcast from George Washington University and was made possible by technology from the Excite@Home Network.

The year 2005 was another big year for live streaming. The emergence of YouTube opened up new opportunities for streaming video. In 2008, YouTube Live hosted its first live stream event. This was a game-changer because anyone with a computer and internet connection could watch live events from anywhere in the world.

In 2011, a platform called Twitch started live streaming video games. This was a huge hit and showed that live streaming wasn’t just for traditional streaming media like music and sports. It could also be used for video games, a form of entertainment enjoyed by millions of people worldwide.

As the years went on, other social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram also introduced live-streaming capabilities. This made live streaming even more popular and widely used. Live streaming is used for many purposes, including communication, entertainment, and marketing strategies. It’s safe to say that the live streaming industry has come a long way since its humble beginnings.


Youtube is an American online video sharin platform headquartered in San Bruno, California, founded by three former PayPal employees Chad Hurley, Steave Chen and Jawd Karim in February 2005. Google bought the site in November 2006 for US$1.65 billion, since which it operates as one of Google's subsidiaries.

YouTube allows users to upload videos, view them, rate them with likes and dislikes, share them, add videos to playlists, report, make comments on videos, and subscribe to users. The slogan "Broadcast Yourself" used for several years and the reference to user profiles as "Channels" signifies the promises upon which the platform is based, of allowing anyone to operate a personal broadcasting station in resemblance to TV with the extension of Videos on dimond.

As such, the platform offers a wide variety of user Generated and corporate media videos. Available content includes Video clips, TV shows clips, Music videos, shourts and documentary films, audio recordings, movie trailers, live stream, and other content such as video blogging, short original videos, and educational videos.

As of February 2017, there were more than 400 hours of content uploaded to YouTube each minute, and one billion hours of content being watched on YouTube every day. As of October 2020, YouTube is the second-most popular website in the world, behind Google, according to Alexa Internet. As of May 2019, more than 500 hours of video content are uploaded to YouTube every minute. Based on reported quarterly advertising revenue, YouTube is estimated to have US$15 billion in annual revenues.

YouTube has faced criticism over aspects of its operations, including its handling of copyright content contained within uploaded videos, it’s recommendation algorithms perpetuating video that promote conspiracy theories and falsehoods, hosting videos ostensibly targeting children but containing violent or sexually suggestive content involving popular characters, videos of minors attracting pedophilic activities in their comment sections, and fluctuating policies on the types of content that is eligible to be monetized with advertising.


I left school in 2007 hoping to get in the army and my backup was to get in the police both failed even trying to get in the TA if you want to know more you can here. I started college to better myself, Sadly I needed to find something to set my mind to and goals again, I know about YouTube but at the time YouTube was nothing, I started a new YouTube channel because I lost the email and password for DJ123Shoot, But it was easy to start a new one and here is where Unlucky Gamer started I started as a player playing Test Drive Unlimited with just one friend if you want to know more about that please click here. We were using YouTube only as a hobby then we found what is now called Twitch TV we both started just to watch streams and chat, We both was in college and we started to say why bot started streaming too, We started to stream and we started to grow, But we kept playing like a hobby, We thought it was still fun, 2013 came with Grand Theft Auto V We re named to Bounty HunterGamerz we made a crew and and we both were still playing like a hobby and just having fun we both were in college and my friend started to get a life with girlfriend and job. We started to stream and put clips on youtube after streams and we just left it to itself, We never knew how fast or if we were even growing we just did it for fun, We didn’t even know about youtube comments and likes or even care about subscriber and follows, We started to grow apart and we started to slow streaming and youtube down till like nothing was going on, In 2014 I started to work full-time night and my mum was getting very unwell, I looked started read my google mail and I saw I had an invite to get a 100,000 Subscriber Silver Creator Play Button and I then looked at the number of subscribers I had and followers on Twitch TV and then started to think what I can do to make it better, I did a video with my face and talking for the first time saying what is happing and I was asking my supporters what I should do, I was looking at vlogs and or upgrading my gaming, but a lot of people wanted vlogging I also asked how do that want it, I started to do vlog every Friday when I was going out to take photo’s, I renamed my channel to Dudley’s Vlogs, I deleted some video’s and also keeped some, Just renamed them better, I was getting more better comments more subscribers and I also started to make social media, I started to grow and make a name for myself people and brands started to see me, But at the same time I was getting burned out and started to look for ways to end my life, 2017 came and I went to Scottland with a friend and after I tried to end my own life by jumping of a brigts, I was offline for about 3 years and I lost my mum, job and I was on my last legs and thinking of ending it I did a video blog talking about it and I shared it on the channel and why I have been a way, I was getting hate comments with good but more good then bad I started to get more followers too but I detected the channel and but the play button in the bin, I restarted youtube in 2020 and back in the good old track in 2023, I wanted to share how long I have been on youtube and the internet and how I started, I know I am nobody now and need to re-grow but I have got a brand and a shop I learned the hard way to keep the channel I need to learn not to barn my self out and get a income and that is Dudley’s HandMade Shop and my brand what will show everything I do that is Dudley’s Hub, In 2024 I started to but everything I know and own into growing.


How Dudley’s Handmade Shop make’s envelope