It’s been 8 years since I started Dudley’s Eye my photography name.

Welcome to my new blog, I am going to share how Dudleys Eye and it is my photography side of Dudleys Hub, I official started photography off-screen, I started in 2016 after a family member giving me some cameras and I went out and tryed taking photos and I shared them on my own Facebook where only family and friends could see and I posted 3 or 5 on Instagram as DanielDudleyUK and got some good feedback and I made it a weekly thing to just get out there, At the time I was working 5 days a week doing night shift, I was working playing games and making videos and looking after my mum at the time, on my brakes I was looking up photography and videography, I don’t like videography and before photography and when people keep giving me good feedback, I started to learn how to network and grow on social medie and got found online, I Dudleys Eye my first Facebook and then official started posting on Facebook and Instagram in 2017, Just networking at first I hit 100 and when I post my first row photo with a edited photo asking witch one thay like more and most of them liked the raw photo the editing the photo made it look bad, Most people said that is unusual but good, From then I never used photoshop and never edited photos but I did but a watermark on, I also started a online class to learn photography it was mostly about the camera and all the settings, I still was growing with just one photo posted and was still getting good feedback and telling me raw is better for me, after the class has ended in June 2017 I started to go back out on Fridays only and started to post daily photos on Facebook and Instagram, And was growing fast it was crazy I posted 1 photo and was getting in one day 100+ following and 900+ comment’s and likes if I remember right, Was doing great getting seen by big named photographyers even camera companies, I just never saw my brakedown coming.

What I am trying to say is I was overworking myself and never noticing it. I stopped posting after saying I was going to Scotland and would post when I came back but before that, I did photography jobs for local photography and started to get better tools and lenses and get my photos in the local paper, I also got free stuff, I was getting emails asking me to do photos for them, Weddings and other stuff I started to do a night club photo and they loved it. But I still was going down hill and started to loose water and eating less just to get more time in doing social media to keep up with it, I was in the million of followers and I was trying to do it all myself so I did’t have to leave my job and spend more money, I also wanted to keep it as a hobby not a job end of 2017 I went to scotland and was doing a email for a job as a photography for a local big travel company, and send him a photo I just took and I said wait a week and you can see more, It was a teaser to try and get the job, I would of been a freelancer and Dudley’s Eye will be my name and I could of kept my instagram and the online brand and I could of also grow with the local brand and used the photos on my feed if wanted or shared where I am if I wanted, It was a great deal and he came to me, Before the email we have been talking on Instagram for some weeks and before that he emailed me on a teaser video on instagram and asked if the place is at and I said yes and he said wait at a place I knew I had to drive past so waiting for about 10 mins told him I am there and he came he just wanted to chat and try and get me working for him then I knew he was a local photography and he was big online, So I knew it was a big thing he was trying to get me weeks and months after, Like I said to him I want to keep it as a Hobby and I don’t want to lose all of my hard work I did online, He mustf wanted me baddly, Because he said ok will make you as a freelance so this ment I will have keep Dudleys Eye as me and have freedom to post online. Under this is the photo I sent.

I came back to stoke and sent him about 10 photos and he liked them I was on my 3rd interview and talking about leaving my job, I was still posting in the background and I would have started in 2018. I got the job but sadly end of 2018 I broke and tried to jump and end my own life, and lost it, So if you have read my blog about my mental health and seen the part saying I lost it all I did big time. Sadly after I started to come back in 2020 after my mum’s death and losing the job I had, I posted a new lockdown photo and shared what happened and why I was away from the internet for 3 years, People were very nice did have hatters and had many people leave me, But the ones who stayed with me lucked and was asking if I am ok now, so still chatting but people said they were worried about me but didn’t know what to say, I told them I will be coming back and in 2023 but it will always be a hobby it will never go back to how it was, Told them about Dudley’s Scale model Car’s and DanielDudleyUK all of the followed they wanted the best for me and now after coming out and saying about my shop, Was getting people share the shop.


How Dudley’s Handmade Shop make’s envelope
