Welcome to another Dudley's Scale Model Blog, Today I am talking about making model's and when sometimes other modellers want to help that is great we all need help time to time, First modellers don't take this the wrong way listing to what others say and try it first try it might help but what I am saying is your way is also the right way, In a job or life everybody come up with they own way and that way might work for you and not them, People might ask why you doing that way or like that if you tell them why they will understand or might say "why not try this". They are only trying to help you to be a better builder. We all love this hobby and we also like building and some modellers like to sharing there work. But the other think is I do have to say expect to fail once in a while, Like a old ship you might sink but you can keep it a float by looking after it and filling in the broken holes, What I mean is with the boat is the hobby and you can be better if all modellers help each other.

You are you, Your way of building might work also. Your Model, Your Way.

We as modellers in time will always find are way what works for them, Like myself, I take on bard what other modellers say and I try it for a bit and sometimes I think of another way to do it and try it that way. Many of months I was trying other modellers who helped me in my stream on social media and even other videos on YouTube by the big modellers some I keep doing and some I just found my own way to do it.

The nice thing about the Modelling comment is they will always go out of they way to help you, Sometimes you can get one or two who don't like sharing they ways of building but most of the modellers do and it's nice.

Why I build.

Most modellers build to get away from the stress of life or to help they mental health. I am one of them, But like myself many modellers stream or recorded, I can't say way they do but I can for myself so I stream/record to not allow myself to overthink what happens and it helps. But the great thing about streaming l understand or have been thought mental health so if you keep that in mind they will always be nice and there for you.

What I find hard still.

I still find airbrushing colours and clear coat fine and always comes out ok. I have had many modellers tried to help me the sad think is because of my Dyscalculia I find working with numbers hard so when people say 70% to 50% i have no idea. But I am slowly getting to grips I do have my own way but I keep it to myself because It will be Wrong,

The tips I share work for me.

The tips I share on this blog might work for myself but might not work for you and other modellers. We as modellers need to remember we are all human and some might have learning disability and might find it hard to do what they can do or do it like.

Why I share my work online.

When I started building scale modeling I have always shared my work, The reason is so other modellers and people can see how far I have gone from when I started, I like sharing my work anyway my art, photo's and so on is on Instagram with my modelling so it's just something I like doing and I am not ashamed of sharing my first work and to share my work now. It might help a other modeller.

Thank you for coming by.

Thank you for coming and reading this and I hope this helps you to keep building. I have done more blogs and I have got a YouTube and Instagram you can see my work there: Instagram, YouTube, Read This, Click on witch you want. Please leave a comment below the post. Thank you


Dudley's Tool for decal's for scale building


Model building tools for beginners