Do I think the Test Drive Unlimited Solar Crown gold upgrade is good to get?
Welcome back to Dudley’s Hub and I am Daniel Dudley Known as Unlucky Gamer (DuddlesGamer), You might know me from my gameplay of Test Drive Unlimited video and post, I have played Test Drive Unlimited from 1,2 and solar crown and I have played the beta with early gold game time, When I was looking at the review of the game I come across Test Drive Unlimited Solar Crown Upgrade to gold and I wanted to share it I think it’s a good to to get gold or not. This blog will be going from the start and from the times it didn’t work.
From the 19/12/24 Test Drive Unlimited Solar Crown has released the upgrade to gold edition I know I am late but I have been playing the game and seen if it’s fixed and working better on XBOX, Playstation and computer, I’ve played the game on both XBOX and Playstation, The game don’t run that good on my computer but I can play it still, I’ve had gold from day one what was 12/09/24 and I was one of the players who had no end of problems and I am still catching up now because of it, I do think I should by saying from when the Solar pass as been started from Season 1 I never had the Free VIP pass and have level 20 unlocked even on season 2 I never got level 2 unlocked, and I have other players ask the same on there website, social media and discord even on my XBOX and computer its the same, You do get the clothing and stickers what is added with gold and the free car’s and you can also pick the clan you pick the good thing is you will still see everything for both clans even if you pick one of them, You also can use the clothing, stickers and car’s even if you are not in that clan, The car’s are the most best and used I seen for the game and most helpful.
The way I played the game is I payed for the first 2 cars then got to level 20 if I remember right and and used the free cars to get to the end of it all and if you do it right you have to pay just to get the car’s set up for you. and then might get 3 cars after before the last free cars.
I still think getting gold is good just for the car’s but not for anything else but for £25 and on top of that the main game cost £50 so all together its £75 and if you just pay for gold full game it will cost £75 so seen it like that I will get the full game in gold you get the same what every goes on. But I do think gold is ok it’s how you want to play the game.